Temples and Tourists

I always saw pictures of Westerners in Thailand at temples with their hands folded--what to me seemed like a hokey pose that didn't seem particularly respectful. That is, until I found myself there getting suckered into the very same things.

Make sure your phone is charged

Unlike Poland, where you can easily install your Polish SIM card on a drug dealer cell phone and get on with your life just fine, in China you're gonna want a top-of-the-line smart phone with a long battery life because if there's one thing you need to adjust to life in China, it's your phone.

So I moved to China!!

I didn't really know what to expect coming into China. People will tell you so many different contradictory things--half of them vague observations, half of them lazy racist stereotypes. I've been here for almost a month now, and I'm still not quite sure what to make of it.